Instal the new for android O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297
Instal the new for android O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

instal the new for android O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

Select the one you want to upgrade, or choose to install to a new folder.

instal the new for android O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

If there are multiple older versions in the same partition, the installer will ask which version to upgrade: Select 'No' to install the new version to a new directory and keep the older installation untouched. The installer will prompt if you'd like to upgrade it: Just select the partition containing the older installation. You may upgrade an older Android-x86 installation by the installer.

instal the new for android O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297

Congratulations! Now you can run Andrond-x86 directly, or you can reboot and run it:

  • If you see the following screen, the installation is complete.
  • If you are lucky, the installation will begin, and you will see the progress bar.
  • If you want to modify the system for some purposes (e.g., debugging), select 'Yes'.
  • Then the installer will ask if you want to install /system directory as read-write.
  • Usually you should answer 'Yes', unless you want to install boot loader by hand yourself.
  • Next question is whether to install boot loader Grub.
  • Select 'Yes' to confirm, or select 'No' to keep the original filesystem.
  • If you choose to format the partition, you will see a warning like below.
  • Note the type you chose must match the partition id, or the boot loader will fail to boot. Otherwise, choose a filesystem type to format. If the partition is formatted, you may choose 'Do not re-format' to keep existing data.
  • Android-x86 can co-exist with other operating system or data in the chosen partition.
  • If the target drive is not shown, try 'Detect devices'. Note you can install Android-x86 to an external disk like USB drive. You can choose an existing partition to install Android-x86, or you can create or modify partitions by choosing 'Create/Modify partitions'.
  • After seconds of booting, you will see a partition selection dialog.
  • Boot from the Android-x86 installation CD/USB, choose the 'Install Android-x86 to harddisk' item, as shown below:.
  • Burn the iso image to cdrom, or create a bootable USB disk (recommended).
  • Usually you should just use the latest image.
  • Download an iso image from a mirror site.
  • See the Advanced Section for more details. In particular, you can install Android-x86 to an NTFS filesystem to co-exist with Windows. We have implemented a text-based easy installer to help install Android-x86 to a hard drive.

    Instal the new for android O&O DiskImage Professional 18.4.297