Call of duty cold war open beta ps4 time
Call of duty cold war open beta ps4 time

call of duty cold war open beta ps4 time

From there, it’s only a short wait until the November 13 launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. From October 15-16, Xbox One and PC players who preordered the game will gain early access, and from October 17-19 the beta will open up fully on all platforms. October 19 -> 20 Although the next weekend will open the servers to users of the PC and Xbox One, PS4 users can still participate in the last open beta on October 17 - 19. The open beta on PS4 will begin on October 10, and will expand the following weekend. So scroll on down, and see if your brain can heat up the Cold War!Īnd here’s a bonus code, which we’ve flipped upside down because we’re awful, terrible people:Īlternatively, you can find an image with the code on it, on either our Twitter account or on our Facebook page at 6 PM CET.

call of duty cold war open beta ps4 time

It’s up to you to crack the code, and redeem it because it’s first come first serve. Some of the codes have a missing number or letter. Want one? Well it’s dead easy and only requires moderate effort! We’ve posted the codes below in several images, but there’s a catch. Thanks to our fab pals at Activision and Prima Interactive, we’ve got several codes for the PS4 multiplayer beta to give away.

call of duty cold war open beta ps4 time

War, what is it good for? Making awesome video games about the tensest period in human history and then fine-tuning the experience before launch with a multiplayer beta, that’s what! It may be a few more weeks until Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is ready to rock and roll, but if you’re looking to get in on the action right now, do we have some good news for you.

Call of duty cold war open beta ps4 time